Since my childhood, spent playing games with my dad, I've harbored a passion for video games and digital art, inspiring my desire pursue a related field. Through the time I have spent at PNW I have learned many skills that could help me achieve that dream. I also discovered just a general desire to create using both 2D and 3D tools.

As a student at PNW I worked on numerous projects alone and in groups that show development of my skills as an artist, designer, and thinker. Through my work in class I found that I really enjoyed helping others with issues technical or otherwise. I really enjoyed learning about new tools in all of my classes and experimenting with different technologies to create my project work. When I started working with 3D tools I found that box modeling was really fun, and it is fascinating that just a small box can become something very complex. I feel that the most important thing about me as a student is that I did my best work when I received very clear instructions or detailed criteria and love working under constraints or challenges.

Overall, my experiences at PNW have helped me grow as a designer and have deepened my understanding of digital design. In the coming years I see myself creating complex models for mechanical/learning purposes or designing and creating character models for a gaming company. I strive to create something that will put me on the map or at least be a part of something fantastic in the near future.