Website Redesign Project
Prework: Research & Sketches




High Fidelity Prototype



For this assignment, I was tasked with finding a website that had major issues and redesigning it to better suit the standards for User Interface Design.

Proposed Solution and Planning

Initially, I conducted a comprehensive review, examining each page to identify any deficiencies in website navigation, organization, and components. Subsequently, I synthesized my observations into a strategic plan delineating necessary adjustments or removals to align the website with established norms of User Interface Design. Following this, I developed prototypes and solicited feedback from peers. Finally, integrating the insights garnered from peer evaluation, I refined my designs to produce high-fidelity renditions using Adobe XD.

What I Learned

This project helped me get a better understanding of the User Interface Design principles and their possible applications to future projects.

Overall, I made the website colorblind friendly and more readable by just changing the color scheme and making the text larger. I fixed some of the formatting issues and generally organized the content in a more readable and focused manner. Lastly, I removed large amounts of negative space removed and reorganized poorly executed sections of the website.